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Brighton and Eastbourne Areas

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Identification & Biology of


  • Brown to grey in colour with a lighter underside
  • Tail is slightly shorter than body length
  • Adult weights approximately 10-25g
Pest control Lewes
Average life span is 6-12 months; female mouse can produce 5-8 litters per year of 4-8 in size. The maximum reproductive capability for 1 breeding pair is approximately 2000!! Like most other rodents, mice have sharp strong front teeth which grow throughout its life & must be continually worn down. The front paws serve as hands & have the ability to hold small objects so that the mouse can chew. They also have a well-defined sense of smell & hearing which helps them to escape danger.



live & how they affect you:

Experiencing mice in your home is more than a mere inconvenience; they pose a very serious risk to your health given that they urinate frequently. Furthermore they can cause damage to your property & belongings, e.g. gnawed furniture, upholstery & flooring, as well as chewing through electrical cables. Without immediate treatment a mice infestation can rapidly spread with the potential for a population explosion in a relatively short time frame. Here is a checklist to tell if you have mice in your property: Distinctive sharp ammonic aroma near main infestation area Dark small droppings the size of sesame seed. Scratching & squeaking noises behind floors, walls or ceilings Shredded bits of paper foil or wood shavings. Nests or nesting materials, usually found in close proximity to food sources Mice will stay close to their nest when foraging for food, typically no more than 10-25 feet. They are unpredictable in their feeding especially when there are many food sources on hand. In scenarios such as this, mice can return to food sources up to 25 times a night; on average one mouse will consume 3-4 grams of food per night. Mice prefer to travel adjacent to walls & other edges; they use their whiskers as a sensor to help them navigate as their eye sight is actually very poor.

Control Measures for


For effective control over a mice infestation it is important to combine the usage of monitoring equipment, baits & physical control methods. Mechanical traps & or glue boards can also be used. It is then essential to proof your property so that the mice are unable to regain entry. A mouse only needs an opening of 6mm to get into your property. It is recommended that the most common entry points, pipes, wires, cables & underneath doorways are thoroughly proofed using aluminium plates, gauge wire or cement as appropriate.


- Helpful Tips:

Hygiene is of key importance to the control of mice & the following is necessary to eliminate the problem:

  • Protect potential food sources from attack by storing items securely
  • Deny any water sources
  • Keep food cupboards & work surfaces clean from crumbs & other food particles
  • Block any harbourages, which create the ideal hiding place for breeding sites.
  • Create accommodation that is easily cleaned, to avoid the accumulation of debris.